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10 Ways to Promote Your Website

There are many other ways you can help to promote your website alongside online advertising, SEO, social media ad's, these are just a few little things you can do to promote your online presence.

Promote Your Online Shop with a Sale!

A great way to help promote your website would be to set up a 'Shop Sale', everyone loves a bargain!  The 'Shop Sale' feature enables you to have a sale within your shop (3 if you're on Plus!), allowing you to offer your customers your products at discounted prices.  Advertising when you have a sale running will help boost your sales and get people checking out what you have on offer.


Make sure you add your web address to your contact details on any headed correspondence you send to customers or clients. Having your web address on your headed paper, compliment slips, business cards or other paper material is a great way to get your website address out there.

Displaying your web address on business cards is also an easy way of giving people you meet instant contact information for your business, it looks professional and sets a good impression.

Another good way to show your web address is to place printed labels with your logo and web address onto any packaging you send out

Email Signatures

Another effective way to advertise your site is by using your email signature. Most email software includes a "signature" option. This allows you to create a small piece of text that will be added to the end of all your outgoing emails. Many people just use this feature as a time saving feature so that something like "Yours Sincerely, John Smith" is added automatically at the end of every email they send. You could expand this to promote your website by setting your signature to something like: 

Yours Sincerely John Smith 
Visit My Website @

Now every time you send an e-mail you will be letting the recipient know about your site.

Automated Telephone Service or Voicemail

One of the benefits of having a website is to help reduce the volume of calls from customers, providing your website contains enough information and is as user friendly as possible. Therefore, it is good to give your website address in your voicemail messages and telephone service as another option for them to contact you or to gather the information they require.

Advertising and promotional material

Always include your website address on any advertising material you use for your business such as posters, flyers, adverts, newsletters and press releases.

Likewise with any promotional items you may give away for example, coffee mugs, T-shirts, pens, mouse mats, key chains and so on. A daily reminder is a good way to get people to visit your site.

Do you own any company vehicles?

If you own a delivery van or work vehicle be sure display your URL on the side. If you only have a vehicle for personal use, you could consider getting window stickers made with your logo and website address on that you could stick on the windows. Remember any way of getting your logo and contact details out there could help!

Produce free content for other sites

If your business offers a service that you could write content about, or related material, try writing some free content for other sites. This is a win-win situation: The other site gets free articles to beef up their offerings and you will get a link back to your site and the cachet of being an expert.

Sending customer focused emails

Send a well-planned, customer-focused e-mail promotion to a targeted list of potential visitors and offer a credit, discount or bonus toward a purchase from your site, for example, free delivery, 10% off or ?X off your next purchase.

Make sure to spend time on your e-mail's look and content, remember you want to look genuine and offer value to customers, and not have it appear as spam.

Join related online discussion groups

If your business or service could be related to certain online discussion groups, join in and get active in online discussions and chats and make sure to include your URL in your signature.

Be careful not to do any hard selling though, most groups will not appreciate such behaviour and will think you're spamming the group.

Other advertising

Look at other selling venues like online classified advertising or online auction sites that could help increase exposure to your site and products.

More Questions?

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