Pricing and full list of features for our Portfolio package.
Billed AnnuallyBilled Monthly
Features Included
Use our drag and drop website builder to quickly and easily layout your pages.
Create pages of any style and length. No matter the size of your business. Your website grows with you..
Add a calendar to your site to keep your visitors up to date on what’s going on.
Add a huge variety of plug-ins from well known platforms and apps.
Showcase your photos, images or products with a huge variety of layouts.
Our platform optimises your images on upload to make sure your site always runs smoothly.
Password protect individual areas or whole sections of your site as you require.
Create users and groups who can access restricted areas of your site.
Add links, social media icons, custom code and more to your site wide footer .
No need to buy separate hosting. We host your ecommerce store for you.
No additional costs to get your website built.
Rolling monthly agreement available on all our packages.
The total volume of data that can be transferred each month.
We'll take care of hosting your images, files and content with ample storage for the size of your website.
Full SSL encryption as standard.
On hand for any questions you may have along the way.
Choice To Pay Monthly / Annually with flexible payment frequencies.
Control your domain name and email forwarding setup.
Buy a domain name from us, or use one you already own.
Ensure your site looks great on any device - desktop, tablet or mobile - with quick previews.
Access the entire Google Fonts library to customise the text on your website..
Adjust your images into different shapes and sizes within our website builder.
Our platform will resize your images for optimum performance.
Customise our pre-designed templates to give your site the perfect look and feel.
Use any colour you can imagine to customise any aspect of your website.
We ensure that all your pages work on desktop, mobile or tablet - whatever the size of the screen.
Integrate seamlessly with Google’s tools such as Analytics and Search Console.
Easily ensure your website and products can be shared across social networks.
Set up with Google Webmaster and then auto submit on publish.
Create a blog on your website to produce content that you can share to draw people to your site.
Add your own meta data for search engine optimisation and improved rankings.
Our platform automatically updates your sitemap, so Google can crawl and pick up your site quickly and easily.
View recent order activity & history, Google Analytics, payments, enquiries and domain information from your dashboard.
Integrate market-leading insight software.
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